The small steps of giant leaps

Joel Van Kuiken
2 min readJul 28, 2022

This morning, I read this short article about the small steps of giant leaps.

This is a simple success formula that is always right in front of us. But you need to realize that those giant leaps are actually no such thing. They may look like it to an outsider, but you get there by taking small steps every day.

Simple decisions and good choices will compound into big success.

One of my favorite metaphors is “Be the duck!” What does that mean?

Think about watching a duck in the water. Not only does water slide off its back, but it also moves effortlessly forward in the current.

It looks simple on the surface. But underneath the water the duck is paddling furiously when necessary, and steadily all the time.

“Whistling Duck in Water” by Charles Patrick Ewing is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

In other words, you may be struggling at something or working really hard, or you might even have imposter syndrome. But you are calm and steady — like the duck.

That’s how people see you, even though you know how hard you are working “under the surface” to keep yourself taking those small steps that lead to giant leaps.

